Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Fried Drumstick Recipe


Full preparation time    10 minutes Cooking time                    30 minutes For how many people.    3 people Calories                             81 calories


  1.  chicken drumsticks 6 tbsp 
  2.  flour  cup 
  3.  corn flour 1 tbsp
  4.  egg 1 
  5.  salt, black pepper powder to taste 
  6.  mustard powder 1 tsp
  7.  oil for frying

  1. Wash and dry the drum sticks.
  2. Now fry it in a little hot oil.
  3.  Then take it out and absorb the grease with kitchen paper.
  4. Mix flour, corn flour, salt, black pepper powder and mustard powder in a bowl.
  5. Now add egg and Add a little water and mix.
  6.  Coat fried drumsticks with this quail, put them in pre-heated oil and fry on medium heat till crispy golden.
  7. fried drumsticks are ready. 
  8. Take out in a serving dish and serve with french fries. 

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