Monday, October 18, 2021

Basin sweets / besan ki meethai recipe

 Full preparation time.     15 minutes Cooking time                     25 minutes For how many people          3 people


1. Basin 2 cups 

2. 1 cup of ghee

 3. Cardamom 4-5 (crush)

 4. 2 cups of sugar 

5. 1 cup of milk


1. Heat ghee and add cardamom and make it crispy.

 2. Then add basin and fry well.

 3. When it starts smelling and becomes light brown, add pre-prepared shera. 

4. Then cut into pieces. 

5. Put 1 cup of water in sugar and cook. 

6. When one comes, put it in the basin. 

7. If desired, apply silver foil.

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